Thursday, February 21, 2019

Best Earning method by your talent

Hello guys
I am feels very glad as I am not in keep in touch with you as I am busy in another work but Now today I am back for you guys with new earning tutorial and tips.

As today, I am telling the most effective ways of earnings not even you can earn money you can also become popular
But only one thing is very important for that work which is your talent.

As you can recognised that which work I am perefed

                               1. Tik tok

Yes, guys in these day aproxx 100+ millions peoples are download the app and use it.
In this app you can just log in or sign up by facebook or by your gmail I.D. and just make a funniest video according to your creative thinking
As I am also the tik tok artist and i am also make a intresting videos for you so just  Download the Tik tok app and
Search - " rohansingh8055". 👈 Its my official tik tok a/c.  So just visit my a/c and FOLLOW me there.

You just upload a video on regular basis and there is a coin procedure if people likes your video they just gives you coin nd thn you can convert your coin in money and thn tranfer in you pay tm or bhem upi account.

As I am also the tik tok artist and i am also make a intresting videos for you so just  Download the Tik tok app and
Search -  ,
"👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 👈 Its my official tik tok a/c.  So just visit my a/c and FOLLOW me there.

You just upload a video on regular basis and there is a coin procedure if people likes your video they just gives you coin nd thn you can convert your coin in money and thn tranfer in you pay tm or bhem upi account.

                          2. Like app

Like app is also social talent shows app here you can also make a video and upload here and also earn money by thier takent.  Tik tok and Like are both of the famous app where millions of people makes thier video so guys what are you waiting for.... Just download the app and make most creative Videos which can entertain your Audience

These are the most efficient nd earnable method which is  in trending so try it...


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
निचे  वाली  link पर  जाए 
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and join me as personally  by follow me to my instagram A/c.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How to earn money in free time top best methods

In 2k18 earn money at free time as possible as when you are well known about the E- work system or online procedures.

Now today I am telling you how you can earn money in free time as by playing a intresting games...

Yes giys there are lots of games which are directly provide you a incentive in a form of money as in Pay-TM

                        LOCO game

A loco is an interesting quiz where you can easily earn pay tm 💰 money by the hell of your own knowledge.As a loco game is about 10 questions quiz where if you give all the answers correct then you can earn about 50-100 rupees . Basically 2 times a Loco quiz are played in a day. 1st quiz is played @ 1 pm. & 2nd played @ 10 pm.
This is the most interesting quiz in which you can also increase your knowledge basically general knowledge type questions are asked in this quiz which you can definitely increase the basic knowledge regarding  to our environment.

Guys II interesting games so which you can also earn money as well as  entertain yourself is MPL basically the full form of MPL mobile Premier League this is a Leaguee in which you can play a game according to your choice which are given in this League and you can earn 💰 Paytm money
The basic procedure of this game is to be just paid a virtual Token  coin thats can earn by sharing a referral link MPL To friends amd family.
This game provide you are directly features of transfer your money in Paytm account or Bhim upi.
So I can advise you that you can use  just play at that type of game In your  Smartphone and earn as a daily part time money.
These are the most efficient nd earnable game as in trending so try it...


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
निचे  वाली  link पर  जाए 
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Sunday, September 23, 2018

How to make start up in meesho app. Easily


Hey guys a charming and newly fresh earning tutorial is available for you which is not only monetary insentives its also a non monetary incentives also which provides you a good respect or honour.
As in your daily life you are using a many apps

Yess !! Guys today I am telling you that how you can make by selling a others product by himself...

Yes guys guys there is an application named - " Meesho"


 This is a newly application which gives a opportunity of making money by sells a product to others

A meesho has a basis phenomenon in which we can choose a product according to our willing and they can fix their own base price. And now there is our responsibility that how much we can increment on their price through which our revenue is also short out
Meesho function

For ex

We wants to sold a T-shirts
And meesho charges a $ 50 of that t shirt and now this is your criteria that how much you can charge from your its $ 60 , $70 and more..of its actual price.

And as we know our customers is rational & they wants a genuine and effective product at a reasonable price so set s price of your product genuinely.

So guys now what's you waited for....just start your start up in meesho right now..


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
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Saturday, August 25, 2018

GST on Google adsence income new policy of 2k18

GST tax is now applicable on all the online income tools like as you tube, blogging and all other plalform which are linked to Google adsence.

as if you are a online worker then you well known about the Google adsence.
but we not known about ad sence so dont worried i just tell you...

GOOGLE ADSENCE is a online google tools which can prefer a advertising clips or photos on your you tube videos or blogs and if someone clicks to that ads then according  to CPC - cost per click you can make your google adsence is a medium to earn money.

in simple words you can say that Google adsence is your online income generator.

But now guys GST is also applicable on Google adsence service
As a income you make by your blogging, you tube and affiliate programme its like a service income sp as a rule you can must pay 18% of tax of your income.
According to the GST document there is a rule that about 18% of paid tax is compulsory if you import any product or received any external income outside your state level then you must paid tax of 18% as a GST.

So if we talk about Google adsence income
It is also comes outsides from our country so this us also compulsory to paid Gst of 18%.

Guys I will explained by an example
Let us suppose I just earn ₹ 20,00,000 per annum by my all the online source weather its from blogging, you tube, web site designer or affiliate programme.
So fristly I paid 18% Gst on it as it is an income which generated outside my country.

Cal.  ₹20,00,000×18/100= ₹ 3,60,000

So 3,60,000 is my tax per annum.

So guys my actual income is 20,00,000 - 3,60,000 = ₹ 16,40,000.

And hence guys it is my actual income per annum but just hold guys as ₹ 16,40,000 is my income So this my responsible to pay income tax in it.

And 30% of income tax are to be paid of our actual income
16,40,000×30/100 = ₹ 4,92,000

Which means our income tax per annum is 4,92,000

So our actual income is

16,40,000 - 4,92,000 = ₹ 11,48,000

So its means about 8,52,000 is our tax which is compulsory to be paid.

So guys I hope you can understand the philosophy of GST on online trades and tools.

So guys at last I tells you that don't be demotivate by these types of new policy .
You just clerefy to you that you just pay your attention on your work not on your GST policy or incomes procedure......
So guys thank you


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
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Sunday, August 19, 2018

How to secure themself from Online fake and fraud scams.

Best  online work in India which generally applicaple but their income is not make instantly....

Yess Guys today I Am telling these genuine work and also tells the reasons why we cannot earn instantly at online platform...

Firtly of all guys we are sorry as we can't provide a recent updates from last 10 days.....the main reason is that
My teams are busy in research... But don't worry we are back for you guys......

So guys lets get started...

First off all guys there is no any work in this era which can provides you a money without invest our time or hard work..

This is global economy where all the people wants their online work as primary work as they though that online is platform where we can earn without any specific skill and even they also thought that they can instantly make money online but guys I just clarify that it is totally a mith situations where it is not possible....

Guys online earning is not a magic where you can just do some work and then you make your commission.
Online works is also like a basic work like a business.. Which mean as we can established our own business then we are required all necessary items and then after 6-7 month your income is generated..

So this is also a phenomenal which applicaple on online work .
Which means the Consistancy is very important in online work or online jobs.

But guys I just also cleared that online work that about 90-95% work or sites are fake...
Which means they are not provides your commision they can claims that if you do works then they can provides a commission but at that they spoil it.....

There are many types of genuine online
1. Data entry
2. Captcha entry
3. Form filling
4. Free lancering sites

These all the jobs are benificail for part time earning..

Now question is arise how we can identify it is genuine or not.
At a website where you goes to do work just check there google id and other privacy policy.

A fake web site never gives you a live training. So if we you apply for online job fristly apply for live training if they are not provides a live training then you can understand that that site is fake.

The most effective or easy steps to find out the work is genuine or not is just search about that site in Google.
If you do work in clix sence online
Then search-"" clix sence review "".
Then Google tells you all the details regarding to that work.

So if the site is fake then google reviews shows there negative points....

So guys these 3 basic points which helps you to find out a genuine work programme.

So guys we aware regarding to fake online works.

And guys if you have constancy regarding to earning so just visit our all blogs here we can tells you 100% genuine online work and there tutorial.... So lets check it now ..

And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
निचे  वाली  link पर  जाए 
and don't forget to follow our blog

and join me as personally  by follow me to my instagram A/c.


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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Earn Passive Income By your PASSIONATE WORK easily top 10 source and methods

Earn Passive Income By your PASSIONATE WORK easily in 24*7

Hey guys !!! Today  I will share my argument regarding to best ways to earn money day & night .

which means a Passive income.
yess guys you can earn money even when you are sleeping. There is nothing better than passive income.

Firstly I am describes that what is source of income.

So guys basically  2 sources of income like

  • 1. Passive Income
  • 2.Active Income

Passive income

Passive income is a income which can be  achieved after  your creative skills.
for ex. If you a you tuber and you make a video then you can earn about 1$ in first day,2$ in second day and so on in future  which means your income is generated slowly slowly. . In other word

Active income

Active income is a income which provides  us as a salary  in a month which only in a month.
in other word Passive income is a income which can earn at when you sleeping when you walking and even when you do nothing.

And important thing is that guys don't think that a Passive income is not achieved without any genuine  work if you throught that  you just make a single video and upload on you tube then you not eligible  to earn money

For Passive income both time as well as money are required  for us.
So guys I am telling you a most effective 10 methods

                                                                                  1. YOU TUBE.

Guys you can make your you tube account  if you have effective  and unique  knowledge  so just simply make a content and upload it..and in future about 6 month or 1 year your passive income is to be started easily.

             2. ONLINE TUTOR (Teaching online cources)

 Yess  guys online  teaching is also a one of the best genuine methods to make a Passive  income guys if you have interest in a particular  subject then you can teach a students online. mostly people in this youth wants to trained by online you can also teach and make your passive income

There are also a online  web site which provides you a opportunity and helps you to teach online
amd also you can search on Google about it.

            3. SELLING E-BOOKS 

Yess guys you can also sell your book.
Guys  if you have Passionate regarding to write an valuabe article.

An electronic book ( eBook) is a book publication made available in digital form, arrangement of text, images, or both, readable on the  display of computers or other electronic devices.Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. Commercially produced and sold e-books are usually intended to be read on dedicated e reader devices

                            4.PRODUCT AFFILATE

PRODUCT AFFILATES means you can become an affliate member of a commercial sites like Amazon & Flipckart etc. here you can helps the ecommercial sites to sells their product to others and through this you can make your income or commisions easily. I just tells you I am also a affilate member of AMAZON and i am also sells my product and make our commision.

IN Simple way we can says that you can provide a link of a product to your social media site and people can buy it.
and for more details that how to make an account you just commented me down i just make an another blog for you regarding to the affilate membership.

               5. STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY

 If you also one of them who is a selfie expert or a well photo cliker.. And then you also earn by showing your this talent.

Basically guys most of the sites which provides a platform to us to show our snap skills and even our snaps are to be verified by that sites than we can also earn our commission as according yo our snaps.

These sites are

and many more these are the platforms which provides a opportunity to sells our photos.
 Firstly these sites required to your skills and your skills are approved then you can charge price of your photo from $10-$100.

And guys one more important thing is that your is not ❌ to be any unuseless photo which means you are not to be sold your own pics or selfies.


link is here..........


YES guys blogging as we all knows that blogging is a most passionable work in 2018. most of the people doing bloging as me also. 
basically blogging is a work where you cam provide a knowledge content to thier audience. As we are. BLOGGING is one of the best source of passive Income .

for more info. regarding to blogging just go to our last one blog which are bassed on blog.

link is here.....


google play store img.
GUYS if you we known about the HTML codding or java script or CSS language then you can make your own apps and also sell to others
And even you also don't know the HTML codding then don't worry to make an application there are many sites are avaliable which provides a free service to make it.

and for more info. how to make an apps amd how to link App to PLAY STORE then just visit our blog

link is here


Yess guys this is also a online work which means you can buy one business from one party and then you can sell it to another. we can says this is a buying and selling business.
For ex.: you can buy a famous blog or web site from anyone at 100 $ and then do some work on it and sell it other at 500 $.


HERE You required a lots fo money to invest. basically this not a Digital earning which means you can just make hard money
basically we can say that this is a work is implemented by all common people  which means we can say provide our home as a PG to other and charge a rent from  them. easily.
As generally we known that most of the people invest thier money to make a PG for collage students and others.


GUY Multi level marketing marketing means you can connect to other people is a chain or in sequience.
you can recozined that most pf the earning apps claims that they can provides you a money when you can make a chain serise.
basically i just tells you that this not a good source of passive earning but this is also a part of passive earning so i tells you.

!!!!  TODAY !!!


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And for my more earning updates just visit
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Saturday, July 28, 2018

How to make $ by Champcash online app easily in 2k18

 Make money by a genuine apps which provides you a sufficient income easily by online medium

So guys today I am gives you a best one application which is very helpful for yours part time earning.

Firstly I just clarified to you that guys . I telling a best a genuine method regarding to earning.
Hello guys !! this is your host and dost Rohan Singh Rajput.
 welcome back And today I am going to tell you how you can earn by CHAMCASH.

Actually there is lots of time is spend by my Earning Adda team to find a genuine app which provides you a income as in a form of part time earning.

And after our research we finnally find a application named " Champcash"
So guys today I telling you all the necessary details regarding to this application.

First question is arise::

What is Chamcash & how to earn ?

Chamcash is a online marketing company in which each person have their own sponsor Id. Through which you can make a chain or a link medium to attract people. And as how much people are connected to your chain according to it you earn money.
So this is a basic phenomenon of Champcash earning application 💰.

And if you a user of a facebook then you can also observed a many post is committed by chamcash sponsered id. And you also attached a Champcash app by sponsered id on Facebook then they can earn money as because people  attached to their sponser id.

Now I am tells you how you can impliment on it.

Just install it from your play store or app store.
And when you are finally connected to the Champcash application then they can provides you a unique sponser id through which you can perfered to others.
Which means you can just complete the task which they can provides whether its is installation of an app or chain creating by your sponsered id .
And as like you complete then they can directly provides a money of 1$ to their pay tm account or bank account when your income is more than 10 $.

And if you wants to earn more
Then you promote your sponsered id to their facebook, whats app or another social media apps . So as people can install Champcash app by your sponser id so due to this that person and  you can also earn some part of them.
And when you earn a decent part time earning then you can also recharge your dish t.v. network and also phone📱 recharge.

Now I am telling you a step by step procedure to earn money.

Step 1.-  first of all install application from app store and play store. And then go to sign up.

Step 2.- fill the all necessary details like name,email Id and phone no. And click to proceed.

Step 3.- and then they wants a sponser id reference.
Which means if you hava already have Champcash id then enter in it.then verify it.

Step 4.- Now you are ready to get started to performed a task and make money.

And after all of them,they can provides a task in a form of an installing a apps.

And if if we genuinly complete the task they you can easily make money from it.
These application provides a many features to earn easily money💳💰💰 by it.


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Best foriegn investment method of earning

Invest your money in foreign countries and earn huge profit .


Firstly I just clarified to you that guys . I telling a best a genuine method regarding to earning.
Hello guys !! this is your host and dost Rohan Singh Rajput.
 welcome back And today I am going to tell you how you can earn by forign company.

As in these days the value of foreign currency $ is highly appreciated as compared to our domestic currency of India 🇮🇳 .

Reason of Depreciation of Indian currency 💱 . 

The main reason of Depreciation is rise in exchange rate. Or increase in the import or decrease in the export.

Reason of Appreciation of foreign  currency 💱 

It just opposite to Depreciation of Indian currency which means falls in exchange rate or increase in export .

So there is a good opportunity to us to invest our money in foreign countries to earn huge profit . If we compare. Our Indian financial company like mutual fund, kotak Mahendra and many more. These are also a financial company but there return on investment RoI is very poor . Which means when you invest your money in Domestic financial Company they are not a chance to return back.
In these days Indian domestic currency is highly Depreciated so this is a main in reason that Indian currency value is much cheaper so if we can invest our money in foreign companies so we earn decent investing rate.

So its means you can invest your money in rupees. Or earn in $.

As according to our research an international financial company is very beneficial to provide a fund to thier shareholders . So this is a main reason that. A small financial company is also Invest thier money in foreign financial company .

In foreign market how we can invest and how we can aware by it

* According to port folio validity 
Most of the financial markets through that mutual fund or financial market where we invest our money we cannot check the portfolio duration. So if you can aware by mutual funds portfolio then there is a least chance of loss and even there is a chance to earn more interest in it

Chance to invest in foreign investment market

Foreign market theme belongs to America share and last 5 years America provides a huge result to thier shareholders . So due to this fund can provide a good result so due to this circumstances you can invest in Apple, Google , Amazon , Netflix and domino etc.
And these foreign companies providing a huge income as in a form of intrest. As Depreciation of rupees. Or appreciation of $ is a main reason to earn money .

What is a International fund

A mutual fund companies which can invest thier money in foreign countries are know as international fund.
These all the basic strategy for. Earn money by investing our money in foreign countries .

So guys you can also earn from foreign companies but kept in mind the all terms and conditions .


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Earn from Google play store by making apps without coding and best technique

Earn from Google play store by making an aaps without help of coding.

google play store img.

Yeh guys if you are an android user then you can install Many aaps for private use . Wheather it is a game. Application. Or another apps.

Hello guys !! this is your host and dost Rohan Singh Rajput.
 welcome back And today I am going to tell you how you can earn by make app without coding.

                                                     !!!!! LET GET STARTED!!!!

So guys you know that. There are many apps are available. For. Us to use 
For example. If you search for photo editor aap on playstore then many related apps are appear . 

So guys you know That you can also make your own aap without any skills or coding . And after create. Your. Aap you can place it on playstore 
And then you earn money . 

In whole world. About 70% of playstore or Android  user & another 30% is aap store or ios user 

And if we talk about global data. In 2010 there are. 30 thousands apps are available in play store as because at that time a play store is a newly available for people but if we talk about 2018 these 30,000 apps are converted into 33,00,000 apps. 

Now we tells on which Topic you should try to make a aaps which is to be profitable. As this. Is. Very important so you can. Find out the demand of a topic which is trending and according to that topic you can make your application . 

As pervious. Time if want to make your aap you require a skill sbout java ,cc++, coding and HTML etc. 

And now question is arise how to make a app without coding??

According to our research there are 4 platform which provides opportunity to make our application without coding . 



This is a most geniune site to create an app i just. Preferred you to make it. 
These site claim that we can freely. Make our aap and we also sell it whole world 🌍 . And you also earn money 💵 . 
They can also tells. Thats there andromo users are earn $ 10,000 per month which means about 6,50,000 in a month. 

Important police
These also says that you we are not required to share our revenue to thier site hosted. Which means 100% your own revenue without any TDS. 

Now I will tells you the Subscription plan. . . 

There are three categories. Of subscription plans

1. Trail plan:: Its a free to create your aap but you are not enable to publish your aap. And you are not enable to earn money basically you just take knowledge about how to create an app. 

2. Starter plan :: In this plan you can pay $ 8 per month.  Which means about 500 rupees for a month . 
In this plan you can easily. Create upto 50 apps. You can also list a adds to your app and also list your app to plat store and then you can earn. 

3. Professional plan:: This is a professional or high quality plan here you can do all the app create work professionally . Here you can make unlimited Aaps and use all the facilities. And you also place advertising according to your Choice.

                                                                  #2. Appypie

This is also a aap making site here you can also make your aap.
The unique feature if this app is here you can also make aap for android as well also for iPhone. And you also make your own attractive web site
This site is also a many categorised plans.
There are 4 plans:
1. Free plan- This is also a free trial version through which you can't earn money .

2. Basic plan:- In this you can subscribe in Rs= 999 and then you can publish your app on playstore

3.Gold plan : This is a plan of Rs 1999 these provides you a more features to publish your app store and also provides a many additional features

4. Platinum plan: This is a plan of Rs 3000 which provides a professional features and you can make unlimited apps and also set ads in your application.

#3. Goodbarber
googbarber earning addaa

This is also a similar site as like appypie here you can make your own apps here main difference is that here you can share your your revenve to the site guys if you wants to ready to share your revenue then you can also earn here.

   #4. Appsgeyser

This is also one of the Best android app maker sites here you also make an apps according to your choice and you can also attched many feature. you can just sign in in this app and just start your app making work.and then you can publish and you can share your revenve.

Now main question is how to publish our aap ? ?  Which is very important . .

So guys if you wants to publish your app in app store. Then you can pay some charge you can paid $ 25 for promotion .
You just make your Account on Google developer console. And there are also many alternative platform to promote your app at free of cost .
By placing your app in Amazon app store and also published on aptoid, getjar. So as like that you can publish. Your app easily. And also earn a decent part time earning.

My Suggestion. :
I just provide you my own advice to just take a paid version to promote your aap through which your app is to be placed on play store or in app store. And one important thing for any high quality app is you can make your app at least MB consume.


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
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Saturday, July 14, 2018

how to earn pay-tm cash by loco app


Hey guys if you used a what app or another social platform so you can defiantly see a preferable link of ""LOCO game to play and win money by using a referal code""

Loco app

Yeh guys in this time a one earning. App which named is LOCO is to ve viral and trending earning money 💵. App
So guys Today. I am telling you.
How we can earn by a LOCO app. And even. How Loco business model earn. Their. Money by us.

Which means we can earn MONEY

 Loco aap is not only a earning app its also provide a general knowledge to you guys.
Basically. In these days the Loco which is a great earning app is to viral. Al high level
And people. Can also install these app not only. Because of earning as also because they can also achieved a general knowledge in thier Dailly Life.
People like this aap not This app provide them a prize this app also provides a knowledge

 And even mostly  People are used this aap even I'm also used this app. For gaining knowledge.
If you have any queries or a doubt so just visit to thier social media sites and check it out.
And trust me guys this is a most preferable post for me and also for you.
And now I am telling you all The necessary. Details regarding to Loco aap.

First of all guys you can as normally download the app from your app store or play store as casual.
Nd guys just sign inn by filling your details and then you can eligible to play a Loco game.
There are some rules and regulations of a game. So I will tells you

1. A game quiz is to be played twice in a day.

2. Is to be played at 1:00pm and10:00pm onwards.

3. There is life option which is provides you a one more chance to played a game after your question is wrong.

4. Only one life is offered in a one quiz.

5.You can earn a life by referring to your friends and relatives.

6. Only 10 seconds are available for giving a answer of each question in a quiz.

Loco aap dashboard

So guys there are some rules of LOCO app which kept in MIND while playing it.

Now guys. I am telling you basis fact about Loco app which means how a LOCO. app is to be make thier own money. Basically I am telling you that a LOCO app is to be more. Earn as compared with us.

How it is ?? 

Basically, A LOCO app is to be genuinely provide money as a reward to their audience but trick is that. They can. Provide a reward to only a top 499 people
Which means
Lets us suppose that
If 25.6k people played a LOCO. Quiz. At a time. And selected 5k people. Gives a right answer and even. You also a one. Of them
So there is no chance to be win as because. They provide. A reward. Only a 500 people. So there is very rare chance to achive a price. Now guys. I am telling you basis fact about Loco app which means how a LOCO. app is to be make thier own money. Basically I am telling you that a LOCO app is to be more. Earn as compared with us.

How it is ?? 

Basically, A LOCO app is to be genuinely provide money as a reward to their audience but trick is that. They can. Provide a reward to only a top 499 people
Which means
Lets us suppose that
If 25.6k people played a LOCO. Quiz. At a time. And selected 5k people. Gives a right answer and even. You also a one. Of them
So there is no chance to be win as because. They provide. A reward. Only a 500 people. So there is very rare chance to achive a price.they directly send a winning amount in your pay-tm accout.
Loco aap dashboard

This is a quiet trick to earn more as compared to thier audience.
And guys trust me that this is a truth.

And They Also described In there app that if you prefer to anyone then you have then they can provide a one life which you used in a quiz when your ans. wrong.

Through this process a loco can achieved thier 5,00,000+ app visitors which means 5,00,000 people use it.

so guys this fact is not tells by a LOCO app company



So guys now you can easily by E-Book creation 💸💵💴💶💰💳💰


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
निचे  वाली  link पर  जाए 
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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Earning by E- Book creation on Amazon kindle

Hey Guy's if you are also a passion of writting a important articles or a knowledgeable content so guys you are also eligible to earn by creating Your own E Book.

First I am tells you how you can

           Earning by E- Book creation on Amazon kindle



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Firstly I just clarified to you that guys . I telling a best a genuine method regarding to earning.
Hello guys !! this is your host and dost Rohan Singh Rajput.
 welcome back And today I am going to tell you how you can earn by

           What is E book ?

An electronic book ( eBook) is a book publication made available in digital form, arrangement of text, images, or both, readable on the  display of computers or other electronic devices.Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. Commercially produced and sold e-books are usually intended to be read on dedicated e reader devices


Importance for viewers

Basically E Book can help people and make easy for people to gain knowledge easily at any place at any time.
People are not required to carry a hard book from one place to another as by e book people can easily arrange their Book in their phone.

Importance for publisher

If you are publisher then you are not required to relies on other famous publisher to published your e book.

  Guy first of all I just tells you that if you've a real knowledge or a skills to
Tells other about a subject then you can tried this but guys if you have not any skills and you want to make  e Book of Copyrighted content you not try it..

This is passive online business in this time as because in this time a on-line learning source in increased as rapidly and mostly people learn from internet.

So first important thing is that you can select a unique niche in which you wants to write a book...
Weather it's related to

  • 2.tutorial
  • subject like phy.& Chemistry
  • 4. online marketing
  • coaching
  • And 6. Novels.

And you also make a wide topic I.e.
Where you can make a sub topics related to sports like cricket training, basket ball training etc.

And after take a unique  niche. You can writer your page on ms word or word pad. And you can also provide about 100 sub topic on on your main topics and make a Book about 200 pages.
and you can makes your page in pdf formatt and you also customise your e book

but guys i am telling one this which is that you can put your e book to simple as because people not intrested to your e book design or attractive looks they wants only a geniune content on your e book so keep in mind anout your content.



For your E-BOOK your content is to be real which means its not to be a copyright content which means you should not copy and paste another content on your e-book

if you wants to take some help you can just inspire by other b-book holder which means you can just take a hint from other but dont copy a content as if you copy a content then your e-books is to be spam or copyright content and your E-book is automatically deleted from kindle.
Guys in your e book you can also make a chapters,index page,content page and about us page. Through this page Your e book reader is to be enhance regarding to your e book .
Which means you can make a e Book as like that through which people show's their feed back to you.

There are many sites for sell your e book .
1. Amazon Kindle
2. Lulu
3. Tradebit
4. Smash word
5. Click bank and book baby etc.

Now question is arise
How to developed our e book ?
So Guy's you can take a help by aap named CANVA .this is a aap through which you can create a different graphics to your e book.
This is very easy method to interact to Your viewers. CANVA also provide you a different templates for your e Book.

Now I will tells you how you can sell out your e book
You can just attached your e book to Amazon Kindle and place your Book their and when anyone else have intrested in Your book they can easily paid their money.

Basically when you sell out. Your e book 📖. On Amazon Kindle and if you charge. Rs 500 per book then Amazon. Kindle provide a 70% of your earning and 30% take thier charge of publication or promotions.

Guys this is a one of the best method. To publishing. Your book 📖. Skills infront of public .

So guys now you can easily by E-Book creation 💸💵💴💶💰💳💰


And one think more guys please show your response by giving a comment please guys.... 

And for my more earning updates just visit
निचे  वाली  link पर  जाए 
and don't forget to follow our blog

and join me as personally  by follow me to my instagram A/c.


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Best Earning method by your talent

Hello guys I am feels very glad as I am not in keep in touch with you as I am busy in another work but Now today I am back for you guys wi...

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